Al Acosta
John Lennon's grandmother once told him the meaning of Life is to be happy. His 6th grade teacher went down the line asking each student what they wanted to be when they grow up. When she asked John what he wanted to be, he said "Happy". She then told him "No John, I don't think you understand the question". He replied,"No mam, I don't believe you know the meaning of Life". I never had a master plan. I lived on Faith. Followed my Bliss. When you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there. And those roads took me on a journey to a very colorful Life. I doubt many people could have done it like that. I took risks. Nobody gets anywhere not doing so. Anyone who has accomplished success has experienced more difficulty and obstacles along the way than someone that failed and gave up. My story would take more that 2,000 words to write here on my profile. And believe me, I have some stories. America was founded on the principle of Freedom and Self Reliance. I took that to heart. I am the proud father of two children. Marie Camille graduate University New Mexico and Jesse Curtis graduate United States Military Academy at West Point and Yale University. The West Point story is one of my proudest. Our generation saw the changing fortunes of time, but nothing like we are experiencing today. Although I was a "nobody" in High School, I will say Jefferson was the best. We had teachers that made Judge Judy look tired. Perfection was required, which overflowed and spilled into many other areas of our lives. Our teachers taught us how to learn. Sad it is today that students don't know how many stripes there are on our American Flag. Nor what the 50 stars represent. Ask a High School student today who the Wright Brothers were and you might get an answer like "they discovered America in an airplane". Thomas Jefferson High School students were respectful, disciplined, well groomed, and fair to one another. Our reputation was far outstanding from any other school. We cared. We did have our Jokers, but no one was cruel. Anyone remember when someone placed a quart beer bottle on the very top of the dome? No one was found guilty and punished. How they accomplished that mission is beyond belief. I knew the guilty party that did it but refused to rat them out. Well folks, It's been a long ride. May not be present at the reunion so Happy Trails from here on. Love and Peace. AL Acosta P.S. Wonderful to see so many responses to my comments. Thank you all.
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