James Pruett
I am retired now after marriage, grad school, post doc, four careers (academics, big oil, carbon composites mfg., big aerospace), and six relocations. I guess living around all those military families in San Antonio made that seem normal!

I returned to a love of music in the middle of that and have taken to bluegrass as my primary hobby. Got a bit part as a string band player in the movie "Down in the Valley", a low distribution movie starring Ed Norton, while in LA area, so I guess that worked out. Now playing with a local bluegrass band and a local singer-songwriter, but less often than I would like.

Celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary with Lynette (DeBord, John Marshall '69) mid-Covid summer '20.

Learning to live with things like finding out that I'm not supposed to put two spaces after the period at the end of a sentence, now that all fonts are proportional, and other nonsense going around these days.

We have a second home in Denton, TX for winters near our son and daughter-in-law and boy/girl twin grand kids.
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